How to maintain the wear resistance of cutting discs?
Generally speaking, cutting is made of bonding agent and resin, and the effect is closer to that of ordinary steel. This material is relatively satisfactory in terms of hardness, and its wear resistance is not bad, so it has received widespread attention and recognition, and it has also allowed them to obtain more satisfaction from this material. But because there are certain requirements for sharpness, special grinding is required for cutting discs. Moreover, different materials are available for cutting sheets, allowing users to use harder cutting sheets in different scenarios. The relatively hard cutting blades in the industry are made of diamond raw materials, and it can even cut some hard materials like diamonds, so as to adapt to more fields. This is obviously extremely important, because the cutting machine can be used in more and more occasions, and it can help people play more and more roles. With such tools and materials, the user's construction method may become simpler,...